ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Lirika</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <style type="text/css"> .nazvanie{ color: red; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 22px; font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Arial; } .title { text-align: center; color: #990000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Arial; } .kuplet { color: #FF9900; margin-left: 10px; } .pripev{ color: #FF6600; margin-left: 30px; } .dop { color: #ff2200; margin-left: 20px; } .avtorP { color: #FF9900; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Arial; } .avtorV { color: #FF6600; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Arial; } .plan1 { color: #00DD00; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Arial; } .plan2 { color: #DDDD00; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: 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:>@5:B=>3> >B>1@065=8O AB@0=8F8 8A?>;L7C9B5 IE 8;8 Opera</TD> </TR> <TR valign="bottom"> <TD colspan="3" height="8"> <IMG src="top2.jpg" width="698" alt="" height="8" border="0" align="bottom"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="83" background="ornament.jpg"> &nbsp; </TD> <TD width="534" bgcolor="#000000" background="bg.JPG"> <P style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <TABLE width="514" border="1" bordercolordark="#660000" bordercolorlight="#990000" > <TR> <TD Class="title"><U>0720=85</U></TD> <TD Class="title"><U>2B>@</U></TD> <TD Class="title"><U>C7K:0 : ;8@8:5</U></TD> <TD Class="title"><U>7<5=5=8O</U></TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('AB');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Abandoned</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="AB"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> I have no choice, nor right nor wrong.<BR> With all the pain inside<BR> I had to wait for you so long-<BR> Every day and night.<BR> But I m fed up with it, I know<BR> That my time pours out.<BR> My patience for you has run low.<BR> Love died without a sound.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Why, why did you do this to me?<BR> I, I m lonely as I could be.<BR> No, no cure could ease all my pain.<BR> So, so tell me what was your gain?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> The love has gone, leaving a space<BR> In my bleeding heart.<BR> Sorrow settled on my face,<BR> Tearing me apart.<BR> You have gone now and I am free,<BR> But I regret this.<BR> Days till you abandoned me<BR> Were like divine bliss. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('AB');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('AR');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Arachnophobia</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2">;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="AR"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> You close your eyes- spiders are coming.<BR> The chase is on, they ve got you running.<BR> There s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.<BR> The evil beasts will show you their might.<BR> Eight legged freaks are getting so close,<BR> There s no cure from this devilish force.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Arachnophobia- poisonous bite.<BR> Arachnophobia- destroys your mind.<BR> Arachnophobia- they lurk in the dark.<BR> Arachnophobia- left on you her mark.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> When you wake up in your own cold bed,<BR> All sweat up and with shivering hands<BR> Horrors of night still holding you strong,<BR> You see your end and it won t take long.<BR> They re under your clothes, under your skin.<BR> The deadly acid burns you within. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('AR');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('BH');" title="0?8A0=0 : 57."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Beyond Horizon</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="BH"> <DIV Class="dop"> As the Sun points our way<BR> Where the sky and Earth are same<BR> It s the point where we re going.<BR> Don t you try to stop us now,<BR> Don t raise questions why and how.<BR> It s the place for which we re longing.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Set to the course, no remorse<BR> For all that was left behind<BR> Go with the breeze, try to seize<BR> The thing that holds to your mind.<BR> Know where do you go.<BR><BR> No more regrets; placing bets<BR> On winning ultimate prize. <BR> Dream is at stake; wide awake.<BR> It s everything or demise.<BR> See who you will be.<BR><BR> Ever searching never finding<BR> Never crawling always gliding<BR> Going faster going higher<BR> We are lit we are on fire<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Toward horizon stretches our every thought<BR> Going there forevermore<BR> Pursuing our long-awaited promise land,<BR> Till the end, till the end.<BR><BR> Chasing the dream forever, living a dream<BR> Close your eyes and let it in<BR> Eager to break through, feel and touch Neverland<BR> Neverland, Neverland<BR><BR> Ever searching never finding<BR> Never crawling always gliding<BR> Going faster going higher<BR> We are lit we are on fire<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Stretching the hand for the land<BR> That lies beyond horizon,<BR> Piercing the sky, day and night<BR> With eyes keen and widened.<BR> So craving for more.<BR><BR> After the Sun, where the ground<BR> Embraces serene heaven<BR> Going so fast, while we last<BR> It s time it s now or never.<BR> No, never alone.<BR><BR> Ever searching never finding<BR> Never crawling always gliding<BR> Going faster going higher<BR> We are lit we are on fire<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Toward horizon stretches our every thought<BR> Going there forevermore<BR> Pursuing our long-awaited promise land,<BR> Till the end, till the end.<BR><BR> Chasing the dream forever, living a dream<BR> Close your eyes and let it in<BR> Eager to break through, feel and touch Neverland<BR> Neverland, Neverland<BR><BR> Ever searching never finding<BR> Never crawling always gliding<BR> Going faster going higher<BR> We are lit we are on fire<BR> </DIV><BR><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Toward horizon stretches our every thought<BR> Going there forevermore<BR> Pursuing our long-awaited promise land,<BR> Till the end, till the end.<BR><BR> Chasing the dream forever, living a dream<BR> Close your eyes and let it in<BR> Eager to break through, feel and touch Neverland<BR> Neverland, Neverland<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Step by step horizons closing<BR> See its mystery disclosing<BR> Feeling wind and joy and tremor<BR> Hope that it will last forever<BR> Last forever, last forevermore. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('BH');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('BD');" title="0?8A0=0 : 38."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Blue Deep</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2"> AB0488 4>@01>B:8</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="BD"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Fair wind, cheering gulls, <BR> Bell to strike and anchor to weigh,<BR> Leave for West in full sail<BR> Oh how far from now is that day.<BR><BR> Fading Sun and darkening sky<BR> Engraved on the tempest s frown.<BR> Sprays of the sea send their goodbye.<BR> Ragged sail - our white flag is torn down<BR> Wind and Water they take no captives<BR> Eaten alive by merciless mouth of <BR> Blue deep.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Being thrown by waves<BR> We are but toys in element s hands.<BR> Take this last gulp of life,<BR> We will sleep on seabed tonight.<BR> Drowning, sinking, going down<BR> The blue deep.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Don t cry for me darling<BR> No more salt water I beg.<BR> Don t cry for me sweetheart,<BR> Light the brightest fire instead.<BR><BR> So that my shivering spirit<BR> Would find a road leading home,<BR> So that it can get warm near it <BR> And have final rest after the storm.<BR> Rest from clenching grasp of the abyss,<BR> Colored in shades of madness, of fear and <BR> Deep blue.<BR><BR> </DIV> <DIV Class="pripev"> Being thrown by waves<BR> We are but toys in element s hands.<BR> Take this last gulp of life,<BR> We will sleep on seabed tonight.<BR> Drowning, sinking, going down<BR> The blue deep. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('BD');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('DL');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Demons Labyrinth</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="DL"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Wandering in labyrinth of disputes and fights<BR> Arguing with demons with no hope by your side <BR> This game is hard and really strange<BR> Why do the rules always change<BR><BR> And now I m losing even though I know I m right<BR> My breath in my throat prevented by bitter lump<BR> Can t take a breath, can t say a word<BR> My mind is screaming, but I m not heard. <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> With no conflict left<BR> With the creatures deft<BR> We spread bat-like wings<BR> Ignore routine things<BR> We end our fight<BR> In the distant night<BR> We send them away<BR> And then lead astray<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Wandering in labyrinth of disputes and fights<BR> Those who are dead complain in the nights<BR> There is no escape from walls and dead-ends<BR> Do these wanderings really make sense<BR><BR> But there is still chance that we can win<BR> When there s no doubt left, no sorrow no sin <BR> Legions of demons will try to survive<BR> Hordes of temptations we now can surmount <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> With no conflict left<BR> With the creatures deft<BR> We spread bat-like wings<BR> Ignore routine things<BR> We end our fight<BR> In the distant night<BR> We send them away<BR> And then lead astray<BR> </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('DL');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('EOA');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">End of All</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2">;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="EOA"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Night raised her wings<BR> And flew up so high.<BR> I hear angels sing<BR> In the dark sky.<BR> Black shadows of past<BR> Now follow me close.<BR>  cos I am the last,<BR> Who feels no remorse.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Dead- I see all around.<BR> Dead- what s lost never found.<BR> Dead- is the sky above me.<BR> Dead- but my soul s never free.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Scorched visions arise:<BR> The sea turns to blood;<BR> As I close my eyes<BR> Earth drowns in sins flood.<BR> I am so abused <BR> With the game I did lose<BR> Our future has gone-<BR> Reality won. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('EOA');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('EF');" title="0?8A0=0 : 38. 5 ?>4E>48B"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Eternal Fight</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="EF"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Moonlight shadow in the midnight<BR> Shines through scary shaped trees<BR> Lightening the Path for Chosens <BR> Who re ought to fight against sins<BR> Sins of mortal life<BR> Sins of eternal death<BR> Take care& <BR> Beware!<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Not damn saints<BR> Not priests<BR> Just some kids<BR> With dreams<BR> Those who fight <BR> Against sins<BR> Of the world<BR> Of men<BR> Standing with swords of faith <BR> When Earth dies hard<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Longing for beauty and innocence<BR> In this mad world of lies<BR> Thousand of generations of Christs<BR> With their sins of mortal life<BR> With the thought of eternal death<BR> Take care& <BR> Away& <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Not damn saints<BR> Not priests<BR> Just some kids<BR> With dreams<BR> Those who fight <BR> Against sins<BR> Of the world<BR> Of men<BR> Standing with swords of faith <BR> When Earth dies hard<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Awaiting for final most beautiful battle<BR> As beautiful as battle can be<BR> Sharpening their almighty swords<BR> For fight against sins for other people to live<BR> Sins of mortal life<BR> Sins of eternal death<BR> Take care& <BR> Save men!<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Not damn saints<BR> Not priests<BR> Just some kids<BR> With dreams<BR> Those who fight <BR> Against sins<BR> Of the world<BR> Of men<BR> Standing with swords of faith <BR> When Earth dies hard </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('EF');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('EW');" title="0?8A0=0 : 44."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Everlasting War</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2"> AB0488 4>@01>B:8</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="EW"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Dawn paints land in red light<BR> Colour of our hate<BR> And we rise and we fight<BR> Embracing our fate<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Steel, kill, spill<BR> Never think, never stop<BR> Pain, maim, slay<BR> Had enough? Had enough?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Swords aroused and fell<BR> No mercy and no reason<BR> We cast ourselves to hell<BR> To dwell in this war's prison<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Steel, kill, spill<BR> Never think, never stop<BR> Pain, maim, slay<BR> Had enough? Had enough?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> hate never-ending, bloodshed never-ending<BR> war everlasting, killers contesting<BR> look around, look inside <BR> you will see<BR> our lives yearning, fires brightly burning<BR> no way to linger and death's forefinger<BR> points on them, points on you<BR> points on me<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Tear the bloody veil apart<BR> See with eyes untamed<BR> Does mad beating of your heart<BR> Leave no hope for a change?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Steel, kill, spill<BR> Never think, never stop<BR> Pain, maim, slay<BR> Had enough? Had enough?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> hate never-ending, bloodshed never-ending<BR> war everlasting, killers contesting<BR> look around, look inside <BR> you will see<BR> our lives yearning, fires brightly burning<BR> no way to linger and death's forefinger<BR> points on them, points on you<BR> points on me<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Take a close look at your hands<BR> Know that they can create too<BR> Things of beauty, love and sense<BR> They all live deep inside you.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Steel, kill, spill<BR> Never think, never stop<BR> Pain, maim, slay<BR> Had enough? Had enough?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> hate never-ending, bloodshed never-ending<BR> war everlasting, killers contesting<BR> look around, look inside <BR> you will see<BR> our lives yearning, fires brightly burning<BR> no way to linger and death's forefinger<BR> points on them, points on you<BR> points on me<BR> </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('EW');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('FP');" title="0?8A0=0 : 34."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Feeling Of Peace</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2"> AB0488 4>@01>B:8</TD> <TD Class="statusN">>20O</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="FP"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> In this ever changing world  <BR> Bursts of colors, deafening noises,<BR> Blinding heat and chilling cold,<BR> Mindless laughter, angry voices  <BR> Is a feeling that I miss.<BR> Precious feeling of peace.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Quiver of a troubled mind<BR> Whirling with distressful thoughts.<BR> Strong emotions: cruel, kind.<BR> Hollow gazes, empty words.<BR> None of it can give me bliss.<BR> I long for feeling of peace.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> And the sea silences waves,<BR> And the wind seizes its breathing,<BR> Voices fade out with the haze,<BR> Stiff face loses its sheathing.<BR> It engulfs me with a kiss.<BR> The feeling of peace.<BR> </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('FP');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('GS');" title="0?8A0=0 : 34."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Gathering Storm</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="GS"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Clouded shadows loom in,<BR> Bring unease from within.<BR> Like arrows from the sky<BR> Drops of freezing rain fly.<BR> Our beliefs crashed to dust,<BR> Iron turned into rust.<BR> Altering all around <BR> Rose unbearable sound<BR> Of Gathering storm.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Our fear overwhelming,<BR> Menacing tide is turning,<BR> Desperate voices crying:<BR>  Gathering storm rains, gathering storm reigns .<BR><BR> Panic on us is feasting,<BR> Darkness in hearts is nesting,<BR> Roaring thunder is shouting:<BR>  Gathering storm rains, gathering storm reigns .<BR> The storm reigns.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Wild wind spits sand in face.<BR> Nothing's seen through the haze.<BR> Will the fortress of might<BR> Withstand terrible plight?<BR> Faces down we lay prone<BR> Till disaster is gone.<BR> And no man can foretell<BR> Will we be same again?<BR> After gathering storm.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Our fear overwhelming,<BR> Menacing tide is turning,<BR> Desperate voices crying:<BR>  Gathering storm rains, gathering storm reigns .<BR><BR> Panic on us is feasting,<BR> Darkness in hearts is nesting,<BR> Roaring thunder is shouting:<BR>  Gathering storm rains, gathering storm reigns .<BR> The storm reigns.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Desert scorched lies behind.<BR> Left alone deaf and blind.<BR> Not to die, not to fail-<BR> We must live, we'll prevail!<BR> Clutched to unbending will,<BR> We stay proud, strong like steel.<BR> But though new day may rise,<BR> Still in front of our eyes<BR> Echoes gathering storm. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('GS');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('LR');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Life Rewritten</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD Class="statusU">7<5=5=0</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="LR"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> I write my stories in the nights<BR> When mighty world falls asleep<BR> So please don t turn the music loud<BR> Or spirit of magic will flee<BR> I ask you  who you want to be<BR> An elf, a dwarf, a man, a troll?<BR> You wish  I write, so now tell me<BR> And this reality will fall </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> I will rewrite the life in my own way<BR> I will type events anew<BR> We will all be blessed without a prayer <BR> With religions left a few<BR> Dream and think of people long ago<BR> Compose the name  it s time to go! <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Prepare to take new destiny <BR> What will you chose to become<BR> A king or aristocracy <BR> A wizard, wanderer or star?<BR> Be ready to meet on your path  <BR> Dryads, unicorns and fauns<BR> Prepare to prove you are worth <BR> To stand among heroes of past.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> I will rewrite the life in my own way<BR> I will type events anew<BR> We will all be blessed without a prayer <BR> With religions left a few<BR> Dream and think of people long ago<BR> Compose the name  it s time to go! <BR> </DIV> <DIV Class="kuplet"><BR> No one is bothered, no one weeps<BR> The Indian summer prevails<BR> Noble medieval chivalry<BR> Sword fighting, cheerful forest days <BR> These are the values new world owns <BR> Fairies, Halflings, Dragon caves<BR> Open your mind to life showed <BR> No one is bothered, no one prays <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> I will rewrite the life in my own way<BR> I will type events anew<BR> We will all be blessed without a prayer <BR> With religions left a few<BR> Dream and think of people long ago<BR> Compose the name<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> I will rewrite the life in my own way<BR> I will type events anew<BR> We will all be blessed without a prayer <BR> With religions left a few<BR> Dream and think of people long ago<BR> Compose the name  it s time to go! <BR> </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('LR');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('LF');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Living in a Fantasies</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="LF"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Living in a fantasies<BR> In a world, where Fairies sing,<BR> An Elven folk now whispering,<BR> Finding precious innocence. <BR> Revive in memory of your sons<BR> Believe the truth of ancient Gods.<BR><BR> Dreaming of a beauty<BR> Someone's or just something's,<BR> Weeping for the lost ones in spring,<BR> Fighting for the blessing of night<BR> When autumn leaves from trees fall<BR> When war of beauty says it all.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Kaleidoscope of ancient days<BR> Like never ending magic<BR> The reminiscence of lost ways <BR> Remorse of something tragic<BR> Live with fantasy<BR> Breath with ecstasy<BR> Chose the ancient days& <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Praying for the wish of heart,<BR> Looking for the Neverland,<BR> Which will never ever land,<BR> In the outside world of hell.<BR> These are the mountains.<BR> That's the Sea.<BR> A whisper surrounds my dreams<BR> And me. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('LF');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('PDW');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">Precious Dead World</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="PDW"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Oh sweet precious little world<BR> No grief, no pain, no sorrow laid<BR> Tale-like concord in the snow<BR> Castles high and forests dense<BR> Sky so bright you could not tell<BR> Heaven bliss is on this dell<BR> You could guess it s not for long<BR> Terror to one night belonged <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> And story has ended<BR> The snow has melted<BR> Now we re ought not live, but survive<BR> There is no beginning<BR> There is no more ending<BR> Now our labour is but servile<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Oh sweet precious little world<BR> How come you so poorly end?<BR> Please reveal just once yourself<BR> So we could just bid farewell <BR> Memory all we have left<BR> World became silent and deaf<BR> It s pity we didn t value<BR> Didn t appreciate You </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('PDW');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('SL');" title="0?8A0=0 : 21. ::CAB8G5A:0O."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Saints Lie</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="SL"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Saints lie, demons help<BR> Friends betray, enemies obey<BR> I will lie in the snow far away<BR> And my heart will freeze again.<BR><BR> After tears, after pain<BR> After years of betrayal<BR> I will lie in the snow far away<BR> And my heart will freeze again.<BR><BR> Stop this suffering, I pray!<BR> Stop it or the hope will fade...<BR> Please, I beg you, holy Lord<BR> I would like to warm my soul...<BR><BR> Feel my sorrow through my dreams<BR> Smell the sea's beauty within<BR> Call the waves to carry you home<BR> Feel the breath of the one you love<BR><BR> I lighten my Path with my hope<BR> And slay it with my tears<BR> I care for the forest folk<BR> Who I'm not meant to be with<BR><BR> After tears, after pain<BR> After years of betrayal<BR> I will lie in the snow far away<BR> And my heart will freeze again. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('SL');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('SOTP');" title=""> <TD Class="nazvanie">Shadow of The Past</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan2">;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="SOTP"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Sun is sinking in the green of highest trees,<BR> Wind has waved to leaves its sad goodbye.<BR> In the forest twilight s filled with weirdest dreams,<BR> Strangest things there come to life.<BR><BR> As if summoned by wolf s beseeching howl,<BR> From pale moonlight lonely silhouette is weaved.<BR> And among the screeching wood and hungry growls,<BR> Sighs are heard of voice so pained and grieved.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Transparent being, lost piece of past,<BR> In darkest hours it knows no rest.<BR> Forgotten shadow of days long gone<BR> Wanders in the night from dusk till dawn. <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Haunted meadow ever stays frozen in time,<BR> To tell the same old story every single midnight<BR> Of how the one with loving heart in his days of prime<BR> Found his eternal unrest there, stabbed by knife.<BR><BR> That day with his beloved was his last,<BR> But soon her mourning turned to joyful bliss,<BR> For bells proclaimed his love to be the bride<BR> And murderer received her wedding kiss.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Transparent being, lost piece of past,<BR> In darkest hours it knows no rest.<BR> Forgotten shadow of days long gone<BR> Wanders in the night from dusk till dawn. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('SOTP');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('SC');" title="0?8A0=0 : 42. ::CAB8G5A:0O."> <TD Class="nazvanie">StarCalled</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan1">0?8A0=0</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="SC"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Close to me yet far away,<BR> Ever roaming in dismay.<BR> Stand by me and rest your head<BR> To soothing caress of my hand.<BR><BR> Searching far beyond our world.<BR> Up to stars - remote and cold<BR> Reaches your thought wise and true.<BR> Is this land too small for you?<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Never still and never calm.<BR> In the search to leave this realm.<BR> In the need to fly away.<BR> Oh, my love, why won't you stay?<BR><BR> Stay and share with me your light,<BR> Break the sadness, shatter night.<BR> But stars call on you my love<BR> To rise above.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Still your image in my heart,<BR> Memories, they won't depart;<BR> Scent so precious, tender, sweet.<BR> Absence of your light I greet.<BR><BR> Passed years wiped out clouds and tears<BR> And in the still of night I pierce<BR> My sight to the starry sky -<BR> Hope to find one that was mine.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Leaving earthly life behind<BR> To become celestial light.<BR> Shining brightly, coldly, free.<BR> Free from pain, from sin& from me.<BR><BR> In ascension to beyond<BR> You forget this mortal world.<BR> Of relief you give a sigh-<BR> Your last goodbye.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Never still and never calm.<BR> In the search to leave this realm.<BR> In the need to fly away.<BR> Oh, my love, you wouldn t stay.<BR><BR> Wouldn t stay to share your light,<BR> Break the sadness, shatter night.<BR> Stars have called on you my love<BR> To rise above. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('SC');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('TG');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">The Game</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan2">;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="TG"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> All together, but lonely,<BR> Beautiful, but plain,<BR> Innocent, b' not virginal,<BR> 'Cause that's all just a game...<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Nobody is serious  <BR> Everyone laughs<BR> Nobody stands for freedom for now<BR> Glad to be cheated,<BR> Glad to be lied<BR> Remain imprisoned <BR> In this stupid life<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> A hand which writes a destiny,<BR> A line with words "born" and "died",<BR> Some words between or may be more,<BR> But they're so small, pity, not lied.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Nobody is serious  <BR> Everyone laughs<BR> Nobody stands for freedom for now<BR> Glad to be cheated,<BR> Glad to be lied<BR> Remain imprisoned <BR> In this stupid life<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> His fragile fingers holding gently<BR> A fiddlestick of our fate,<BR> Playing the violin so heaven's finely,<BR> Reading the notes under "The Game".<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> Nobody is serious  <BR> Everyone cries<BR> Everyone wants to believe in God<BR> Glad to be rescued<BR> Glad to saved<BR> From what seemed real<BR> Now became Play </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('TG');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('TTM');" title="0?8A0=0 : 20. 570:>=G5=0."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Through The Mist</TD> <TD Class="avtorV">0=O</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="TTM"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> So many paths I ve wandered,<BR> So many withered lives.<BR> I ve roamed the roads you ve chosen<BR> And lost the way of my.<BR><BR> I ve put on masks you wanted,<BR> Forgetting my own face.<BR> Mislead by voices foreign and<BR> Became lost in this foggy maze.<BR><BR> Are all the colors fading,<BR> Or just my eyes turned pale?<BR> Oh, Lord, I m tired of praying<BR> For light, for insight, for a way.<BR><BR> I m cloaked in tranquil nothing,<BR> No guiding star above my head.<BR> The mist is like a coffin<BR> To leave my dreams buried and dead.<BR><BR> And answers are no other,<BR> But those that I m to find myself.<BR> Astray in sadden smother<BR> And still I m searching for the way.<BR><BR> To walk the roads I m choosing<BR> Under the light of Sun<BR> To feel wind warm and soothing<BR> And make the mist undone. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('TTM');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('WR');"> <TD Class="nazvanie">White Ruth</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="WR"> <DIV Class="kuplet"> He shouldn t have been born<BR> The smallest egg in the laying<BR> The smallest Dragon on Pern,<BR> But little desperate Jaxom<BR> The Lord of Ruatha, the only heir!  <BR> Broke the shell of white tiny Dragon s egg<BR> Bounding their lives forever in pair<BR> Becoming the Rider he never should be<BR> For envy, discontent of Holders of Pern.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> The smallest Dragon,<BR> The only one  white<BR> Ruth pierces the clouds in the high<BR> With his beloved friend  <BR> Lord Jaxom of Ruatha!<BR> The only Lord Holder  the Rider in land!<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> The things only Ruth can do  <BR> Travel through time, knowing exactly<BR> Where the next moment they ll be<BR> Talking to little flying lizards  the Fires<BR> Telling the Dragon things that no more shall be<BR> Sharing the thought with his Rider<BR> Showing the images he d seen<BR> For envy, discontent of holders of Pern.<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> The smallest Dragon,<BR> The only one  white<BR> Ruth pierces the clouds in the high<BR> With his beloved friend  <BR> Lord Jaxom of Ruatha!<BR> The only Lord Holder  the Rider in land!<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> No one knows what it s like  <BR> Being Lord and Rider at once <BR> Troubles of Hold and cares of his friend  <BR> Everythings s to be taken care of in time<BR> Even the Queen s egg saving<BR> In far and dangerous Past<BR> From the Dark<BR> Even fighting against Thread of Red Star <BR> Burning it right in the air with no fright. </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('WR');</script> </TD> </TR> <TR style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="flip('WL');" title="0?8A0=0 : 29."> <TD Class="nazvanie">Winter Lost</TD> <TD Class="avtorP">>;8=0</TD> <TD Class="plan3">5 ?;0=8@C5BAO</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4"> <SPAN id="WL"> <DIV Class="dop"> An orphan tired in the night& <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> With bare feet by silver snow <BR> Follows by the tracks of wolves<BR> Hoping find his lost home.<BR> He doesn't yet know<BR> That this way is lost,<BR> Child s home doesn t exist.<BR> He still hopes that on the snow<BR> Path by moonlight<BR> Will soon be shown..<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Why  r you searching for lost?<BR> Your life s sorrow - get used!<BR> Your frozen feet you don't feel<BR> Why are you smiling at me still?..<BR> Why r you hoping on moon<BR> The wolves won t help no more<BR> You small winter orphan<BR> With no mother in this land or through. <BR> Wish for the home<BR> Which died far away in the dark& <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="kuplet"> Spark! Spark in the sky<BR> Lightens thou hard path<BR> Help that thou needs<BR> Take like the bliss<BR> Dream of the land<BR> That lies beyond <BR> Hope for the best<BR> Stop this night please!<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Why  r you searching for lost?<BR> Your life s sorrow - get used!<BR> Your frozen feet you don't feel<BR> Why are you smiling at me still?..<BR> Why r you hoping on moon<BR> The wolves won t help no more<BR> You small winter orphan<BR> With no mother in this land or through. <BR> Wish for the home<BR> Which died far away in the dark& <BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="dop"> What was this light about<BR> What was this light about<BR> Mother  n father calling you looking sad, looking sad <BR> They do know your time has come<BR> Though they want you, boy, to live<BR> Just a little more <BR> On this sinners ground& <BR><BR> What was this light about<BR> What was this light about<BR> Mother  n father calling you looking sad, looking sad<BR> </DIV><BR> <DIV Class="pripev"> Why  r you searching for lost?<BR> Your life s sorrow - get used!<BR> Your frozen feet you don't feel<BR> Why are you smiling at me still?..<BR> Why r you hoping on moon<BR> The wolves won t help no more<BR> You small winter orphan<BR> With no mother in this land or through. <BR> Wish for the home<BR> Which died far away in the dark& </DIV> </SPAN><script type="text/javascript">flip('WL');</script> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </P> </TD> <TD width="83" background="ornament.jpg"> &nbsp; </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <IMG src="down.jpg" alt="" width="698" height="8" align="top"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>